Parsons (1909)
trait factor theory was introduced by Parson. He matched personal
traits to job characteristics. He stressed on psychological tests to
measure traits and started classifying occupations. This led to the
compiling of the “Dictionary of
Occupational Titles (1972) a compendium of more than 40,000 jobs. His
assumption is that people possess stable and relatively unchanging
characteristics (traits) including interests, special talents and
intelligence. Many counselors felt that mechanical tests alone did not
play the role in choosing careers. In today’s world the emphasis is on
flexibility and adaptability rather than on a "one hole, one peg"
Ginzberg (1951)
introduced a developmental theory, which was divided into three
periods. (a) Fantasy period – up to the age of 11 where their career
interest are unrealistic (b) tentative period – from age 11 – 17 when
they become aware of the necessity to make a vocational decision, and
(c) realistic period – late adolescence to early adulthood when they
narrow their career choices and opt for a specific job. Ginzberg made no
attempts to explain how career development occurs within each stage or
from stage to stage.
Anne Roe (1956)
her research on personality traits of eminent artists and scientists.
According to her, occupational choice is the result of personality and
is based on early parent – child relationships. She proposed that
individuals who enjoy working with others were raised by warm and
accepting parents. She divided occupations into 8 groups: service,
business contact, organization, technology, outdoor, science, general
culture, arts and entertainment. Her theory did not receive the support
because her belief that different child-rearing practices produce
different vocational choices was difficult to validate.
Donald Super (1957)
model is self-concept. As people grow they develop a view of their own
roles, personality traits and abilities. They compare their self-view
with various occupational concepts. Super’s theory is also a matching
theory. He also stresses extensively on career maturity. For example, a
teenager who shows a high level of career maturity is deemed ready to
make a career choice. Super also
incorporated socioeconomic status, gender, social change and the
process of change. His theory became more complex and was not practical
to use.
Tiedeman and O’Hara (1961)
on the work of Super and Ginzberg, they identified a series of
decisions a person makes in the course of his career development. They
divided the process into two periods, each with several stages.
Tiedeman’s decision-making paradigm was used as the basis for a
computer-assisted career counseling program in1969. It was not widely
accepted because it was not cost effective in terms of computer time.
Krumboltz (1969)
theory is based on social learning theory and in classical behaviorism.
According to him personality develops as a result of interactions with
the environment. For example, a young girl ‘s new stepfather is a
farmer, so the family moves from the city to the country. She has no
interest in animals but enjoys her stepfather’s company and comes to
associate caring for animals with a feeling of being loved. In time,
caring generalizes from animals to people and forms the basis of a later
career in child welfare. He sees life as involving a dynamic
interaction between person and environment, which means that changes is
constantly occurring or is at least able to occur. In other words,
personality traits, interests, and even self-concept are capable of
alteration at any point in life.
John Holland (1985)
theory of vocational personalities and work environments has been
revised five times since 1959. Holland began with the principle that
people with certain personality traits are attracted to and suited for
jobs with certain specific definable characteristics. Therefore, if we
know what a person is like, we can predict what sort of occupation is
most likely to produce satisfaction and achievement for that person. If
we identify a particular job clearly, we can assess what sort of person
we should look for to fill that slot. According to Holland, career
choice need not be as complex as is often maintained and that effective
self-help is to be preferred to invasive and unnecessary career
counseling. Holland’s “Self Directed Search” is widely used as a simple
and effective way to introduce people to the subject of career choice.
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