
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)


Principle I
Responsibility to Clients
Marriage and family therapists advance the welfare of families and individuals. They respect the rights of those persons seeking their assistance, and make reasonable efforts to ensure that their services are used appropriately.
1.1 Non-Discrimination. Marriage and family therapists provide professional assistance to persons without discrimination on the basis of race, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, gender, health status, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status.
1.2 Informed Consent. Marriage and family therapists obtain appropriate informed consent to therapy or related procedures and use language that is reasonably understandable to clients. The content of informed consent may vary depending upon the client and treatment plan; however, informed consent generally necessitates that the client: (a) has the capacity to consent; (b) has been adequately informed of significant information concerning treatment processes and procedures; (c) has been adequately informed of potential risks and benefits of treatments for which generally recognized standards do not yet exist; (d) has freely and without undue influence expressed consent; and (e) has provided consent that is appropriately documented. When persons, due to age or mental status, are legally incapable of giving informed consent, marriage and family therapists obtain informed permission from a legally authorized person, if such substitute consent is legally permissible.
1.3 Multiple Relationships. Marriage and family therapists are aware of their influential positions with respect to clients, and they avoid exploiting the trust and dependency of such persons. Therapists, therefore, make every effort to avoid conditions and multiple relationships with clients that could impair professional judgment or increase the risk of exploitation. Such relationships include, but are not limited to, business or close personal relationships with a client or the client’s immediate family. When the risk of impairment or exploitation exists due to conditions or multiple roles, therapists document the appropriate precautions taken.
1.4 Sexual Intimacy with Current Clients and Others. Sexual intimacy with current clients, or their spouses or partners is prohibited. Engaging in sexual intimacy with individuals who are known to be close relatives, guardians or significant others of current clients is prohibited.

Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers

Ethical Standards
The following ethical standards are relevant to the professional activities of all social workers. These standards concern (1) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to clients, (2) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to colleagues, (3) social workers’ ethical responsibilities in practice settings, (4) social workers’ ethical responsibilities as professionals, (5) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to the social work profession, and (6) social workers’ ethical responsibilities to the broader society.
Some of the standards that follow are enforceable guidelines for professional conduct, and some are aspirational. The extent to which each standard is enforceable is a matter of professional judgment to be exercised by those responsible for reviewing alleged violations of ethical standards.
1.01 Commitment to Clients
Social workers’ primary responsibility is to promote the well­being of clients. In general, clients’ interests are primary. However, social workers’ responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may on limited occasions supersede the loyalty owed clients, and clients should be so advised. (Examples include when a social worker is required by law to report that a client has abused a child or has threatened to harm self or others.)
1.02 Self­Determination
Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self­determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals. Social workers may limit clients’ right to self­determination when, in the social workers’ professional judgment, clients’ actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to themselves or others.
1.03 Informed Consent
(a) Social workers should provide services to clients only in the context of a professional relationship based, when appropriate, on valid informed consent. Social workers should use clear and understandable language to inform clients of the purpose of the services, risks related to the services, limits to services because of the requirements of a third­party payer, relevant costs, reasonable alternatives, clients’ right to refuse or withdraw consent, and the time frame covered by the consent. Social workers should provide clients with an opportunity to ask questions.
(b) In instances when clients are not literate or have difficulty understanding the primary language used in the practice setting, social workers should take steps to ensure clients’ comprehension. This may include providing clients with a detailed verbal explanation or arranging for a qualified interpreter or translator whenever possible.
(c) In instances when clients lack the capacity to provide informed consent, social workers should protect clients’ interests by seeking permission from an appropriate third party, informing clients consistent with the clients’ level of understanding. In such instances social workers should seek to ensure that the third party acts in a manner consistent with clients’ wishes and interests. Social workers should take reasonable steps to enhance such clients’ ability to give informed consent.
(d) In instances when clients are receiving services involuntarily, social workers should provide information about the nature and extent of services and about the extent of clients’ right to refuse service.
(e) Social workers who provide services via electronic media (such as computer, telephone, radio, and television) should inform recipients of the limitations and risks associated with such services.
(f) Social workers should obtain clients’ informed consent before audiotaping or videotaping clients or permitting observation of services to clients by a third party.

Sweet Memory - BIG 2013

Assalamualaikum...salam ceria...
Dah lama Cik Pooh tak post cerita2 baru kan..kali ini Cik Pooh nak kongsi pengalaman dgn u guys...
Masa cuti semester baru2 ni, CP ada join satu pgram utk fakulti CP.. pgram tu berlangsung selama 8 hari..
namanya Kem Bina Insan Guru (BIG)..
Seronok sgt2 msa join kem tu.. CP hanya mmbantu lcter dgn mnjadi fasi spnjg kem..
CP jadi fasi utk trekking n jaga cekpoint... 
"Cekpoint 1 masuk!" haaa...itu la yg slalu dngar di walkie talkie...
Boleh kata saban hari spnjang kem, cekpoint CP slalu saja ada pserta yg t', CP namakan cekpoint tu "ckpoint kecederaan".. hihi..
dsebabkan kwasan ckpoint sgt curam n agk b'bahaya, CP n kwn2 hnya buat aktvti yg smple sblum bg task kpd pserta..antaranya, kami menyanyi "Jambatan Goyang2", "Teko Comel", "Garu2 Monyet", Chi Kam Dai", dan sbgainya...dan CP sgt enjoy sbb majoriti pserta yg dtg ckpoint 1akn pnat dn x b' slpas kami sruh wat xtvt, trus riak mereka berubah..dh ceria.. hati kami pn senang... dan Alhamdulillah, spjng pgram tu, ckpoint 1 tiada msalah yg kritikal...

task utama yg msti pserta buat adlh bgimana mereka nak jaga n rawat rakan mreka yg mngalami kcderaan patah, itu la yg agk mncabar utk mreka d smping task strusnya di ckpoint lain...
satu hal lagi yg CP suka ttg kem ni, kami (fasilitator) tidak hnya b'gntung kpd pljar ttpi bkerjasama dgn pnsyarah, pljar, staf fakulti, medik, juga org kuat pusat KO...secara tak lngsung, hbungan dn ukhwah kami terjalin dgn baik...
CP sgt rndukan mereka di kem BIG ni...harap2 ada lg krjasama slpas ni..
kpd cikgu2 GSTT (pserta), kami doakan anda sntiasa brjaya dunia dan akhirat...insha-Allah...

***Kadang2, cinta boleh wujud hanya dalam masa satu saat...dan cinta bukanlah hanya melibatkan teruna dan dara, tetapi cinta dalam erti ukhwah persaudaraan..